Tiktok bluestacks
Tiktok bluestacks

tiktok bluestacks

If you have access to the network equipment, you can use the steps below to restart the router and modem. Open TikTok and see if you can connect this time. Now you should reconnect to the closest cell tower.Go to Settings > Airplane Mode and tap the slider to toggle on airplane mode.If you don’t know how, simply follow the guides below according to your network type. It doesn’t require too much work or technical skills. Fix 3: Reboot your networkĪnother easy fix for temporary network issues is rebooting the network. If this trick doesn’t give you luck, take a look at the next one below. Swipe to the right or left until you find TikTok. You’ll see an overlapping view of all your open apps.(if your phone comes with a home button, double-click it to bring up App Switcher.) From the bottom of your screen, swipe up slightly to open App Switcher.Now you can restart TikTok and test the connection.If you don’t know how, follow the steps below. If that’s the case, a simple restart of the app should do the trick. This also happens if your network changed while opening/using TikTok. The connection issue could be just a glitch in your TikTok app. If there aren’t any signs of TikTok servers being down, you can continue to the next fix and troubleshoot your network. If Twitter suggests it’s a server issue, you can jump to fix 6 to change the server. Unlike online games, TikTok currently doesn’t provide server status detecting, so you can go to Twitter and search if anyone is experiencing the same issue with TikTok.īut remember a server error doesn’t mean you can’t use TikTok. Before you start troubleshooting the issue, first make sure if it’s just a server issue.

Tiktok bluestacks