Download slender the eight pages game for free
Download slender the eight pages game for free

download slender the eight pages game for free download slender the eight pages game for free

It is then easier for the enemy to catch you.

  • The more pages you collect, the more persistant and relentless the enemy becomes.
  • download slender the eight pages game for free

    The more you run, the lower your overall stamina becomes.This game can be extremely difficult unless you have a drawn map of the landscape of the forest, or have played the game consistently enough to know the layout of forest. The enemy can also grab you from behind as he gets closer. Once the static fills the screen, the game will end. Looking at him for too long will build static on your screen. While doing so, Slender Man will attempt to capture you. The objective of the game is to collect eight hidden pages throughout a dark forested area. Your only hope is to collect all 8 pages before it catches you. But as you are looking for them, you are being stalked by an entity that grows more persistant and relentless as each page is collected, an entity that you cannot even look at for long, let alone fight. Slender is a short, experimental horror game in which you must travel into the dark woods at night, with a simple goal: Find 8 pages that are scattered across the woods.

    Download slender the eight pages game for free